
Accepted Full Paper at VLDB 2024

Our paper “Partiton, Don’t Sort! Compression Boosters for Cloud Data Ingestion Pipelines” got accepted as a full paper in PVLDB Vol. 17, to be presented at VLDB 2024 in Guangzhou, China. Congratulations Patrick!


ICDE 2024 Outstanding Reviewer Award and PC Memberships

We are happy to announce that Sebastian Michel was selected as a recipient of the Outstanding Reviewer Award for ICDE 2024. He currently also serves on the program committee of SIGMOD 2025 and the PVLDB Review Board for Vol. 18 (VLDB 2025).


Welcome to Summer Term 2024

The summer term 2024 started. Our group will offer one 8CP Bachelor-level courses “Information Systems” and the “Databases and Information Systems Seminar” (Bachelor and Master level) together with Prof. Deßloch’s group.


Welcome to Winter Term 2023

The winter term 2023 started. Our group will offer one 8CP Bachelor/Master-level courses “Database Systems”, the “Databases and Information Systems Seminar” (Bachelor and Master level) together with Prof. Deßloch’s group, and the project “Implementation of a Web Search Engine”.


VLDB Demo and EDBT Full Paper Accepted

Our demo proposal “To UDFs and Beyond: Demonstration of a Fully Decomposed Data Processor for General Data Wrangling Tasks” got accepted at VLDB 2023 and our paper “Learning over Sets for Databases” got accepted at EDBT 2024!


Two SIGMOD workshops papers accepted

Our recent work on “Schema-based Column Reordering for Dremel-encoded Data” got accepted at the BiDEDE workshop and the paper “Tuple Bubbles: Learned Tuple Representation for Tunable Approximate Query Processing” will be presented at aiDM, both workshops are co-located with ACM SIGMOD. Congratulations Patrick and Damjan!


PhD Defense of Nico Schäfer

Nico just defended his PhD thesis “On Enabling Efficient and Scalable Processing of Semi-Structured Data”. Congratulations Nico!


Welcome to Summer Term 2023

The summer term 2023 starts in a few days. Our group will offer two advanced Master-level courses (“Distributed Data Management” and “Information Retrieval and Data Mining”) and the “Databases and Information Systems Seminar” (Bachelor and Master level) together with Prof. Deßloch’s group.


New Website Up and Running

We finally launched our new website under the RPTU domain and in a new and more vibrant design.